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Liver candidiasis

The liver is frequently involved secondary to hematogenous spread of mycotic infections in other organs, most oten the lungs. Patients are generally immunocompromised particularly those receiving chemotherapy for hematological malignancies.

Clinical presentation

Ultrasound features

bull-eye appearence
Figure 1

Uniformly hypoechoic pattern of liver parenchyma
Figure 2

echogenic pattern after medical therapy
Figure 3

Liver candidiasis. Figure 1: “Bull's-eye”. The liver showed multiple masses. This magniied view shows a thick, echogenic rim and a thin, hypoechoic inner rim with a dense echogenic nidus. Figure 2: Uniformly hypoechoic pattern. Multiple hypoechoic hepatic lesions are present in this young patient with acute myelogenous leukemia. Figure 3: Echogenic pattern after medical therapy. Small calciied lesion (arrow) is visualized in another immunocompromised patient.