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Peribiliary Cysts

Peribiliary cysts are usually present in patients with severe liver disease.
Pathologically, peribiliary cysts are believed to represent small, obstructed periductal glands.
These cysts are small, 0.2 to 2.5 cm, and are usually located centrally within the porta hepatis or at the junction of the main right and left hepatic ducts but do not communicate with the biliary tree.

Clinical presentation

Generally, they are asymptomatic but in rare cases, they cause biliary obstruction.

Ultrasound features

Sonographically, they may be seen as discrete, clustered cysts or as tubular-appearing structures with thin septae, paralleling the bile ducts and portal veins.

peribiliary cysts
Figure 1

Peribiliary cysts. Figure 1: Showing showing multiple clustered hypoechoic and anechoic structures in the central perihilar region of the liver (white arrows)